Multidimensional perceived social support: A predictor of fatigue and quality of life in Greek social workers

The present study focuses on the investigation of fatigue, social support, and quality of life that characterizes social workers. A total of 400 social workers with an average age of 39.05 years took part in the research. Most of the recruited subjects were women, single, residents of cities with a population of more than 100,000, and health-care workers. The participants were asked to answer online questionnaires (Fatigue Assessment Scale for fatigue, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support for Social Support, and General Health Questionnaire 28 for quality of life). From the analysis of the data, it was found that the social workers suffered from low levels of fatigue. Meanwhile, the occurrence of negative symptoms among the subjects was not frequent, with physical symptoms appearing more often than the rest. The study also found that the participants received a high level of support from their environment and more so from their significant others. In conclusion, there is a strong relationship between perceived social support with fatigue level and the quality of life of social workers.